Single sign-on | Identity and access management | Google Cloud
Cloud Identity and Google Workspace support Security Assertion MarkupLanguage (SAML) 2.0 for single sign-on. SAML is an open standard for exchangingauthentication and authorization data between a SAML IdP and SAML serviceproviders. When you use SSO for Cloud Identity or Google Workspace, yourexternal IdP is the SAML IdP and Google is the SAML service provider. Google implementsSAML 2.0 HTTP Redirect binding.This binding specifies how authentication i…
Cloud Identity and Google Workspace support Security Assertion MarkupLanguage (SAML) 2.0 for single sign-on. SAML is an open standard for exchangingauthentication and authorization data between a SAML IdP and SAML serviceproviders. When you use SSO for Cloud Identity or Google Workspace, yourexternal IdP is the SAML IdP and Google is the SAML service provider. Google implementsSAML 2.0 HTTP Redirect binding.This binding specifies how authentication i…
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