GitHub - Greenwolf/Spray: A Password Spraying tool for
This script will password spray a target over a period of timeIt requires password policy as input so accounts are not locked out Accompanying this script are a series of hand crafted password files formultiple languages. These have been crafted from the most common activedirectory passwords in various languages and all fit in the complex(1 Upper, 1 lower, 1 digit) catagory. login
This script will password spray a target over a period of timeIt requires password policy as input so accounts are not locked out Accompanying this script are a series of hand crafted password files formultiple languages. These have been crafted from the most common activedirectory passwords in various languages and all fit in the complex(1 Upper, 1 lower, 1 digit) catagory.
DA: 12 PA: 29 MOZ Rank: 35