Welcome to EquiPro.
Step 1 - Your Business Settings Step 1 - Your Business Settings * If you need to change your name or email address contact us First Name Last Name Email Mobile Business Name Business Type Address Town Postcode Registration No. Association Association No. Qualifications Please upload your logo, this will appear on your invoices. Enter you standard appoinment period this will default any appointments you create to that period. If you have repeat appointments use the frequency below to define, on average, when they occurr. The App will then remind you when an animal requires a new appointment in the future if one hasn't been booked. Upload your logo Timezone Time Format Working Day Start Working Day End Sort customers by surname Target Hours in your working week Your standard appointment length (in minutes) Select when to send out automated Appointment remindersStep 2 - Users Step 2 - Users Please add any additional users that require access to the App here. Each user counts against your user limit except for a 1 bookkeeper who has restricted access to the App. Please add any additional users that require access to the App here. Each user counts against your user limit except for a 1 bookkeeper who has restricted access to the App. No Extra UsersStep 3 - Your working area Step 3 - Your working area * Please define your working area by either selecting your location and a radius in miles. Alternatively draw a box around your area using the mouse. Radius Change Center (postcode)Step 4 - Email and SMS templates Step 4 - Email and SMS templates Arrival Time * The App will send out lots of helpful emails to your customers. We have created standard text and layouts for these below. Please edit these if required to include your own messages and style. Email TemplateStep 5 - Accounts and Invoicing Step 5 - Accounts and Invoicing Accounting year end Invoice Starting Number * VAT Number (leave blank if you are not registered) Enter your mileage rate in pence Select your accounting software * * A great way for regular customers to pay you. Tick the box below and all your customers with be invited to register with our Direct Debit partner. A paragraph is added to your customer emails. Leave unticked, if you would prefer to invite individual customers. Tick the box below, if you would like to send email reminders to all of your customers, if their invoice remains unpaid after 30 days. If you would prefer not to do this, you can resend invoices to individual customers at any time. Send Invoice Reminders *Please enter your accounting details and invoice address. Bank Account Name Sort Code Account Number * Choose one of the available invoice templates and select a colour. Select your invoice colour * Invoice Template *Step 6 - Your Services Step 6 - Your Services Enter your charges against the services below, or use the Add button to add new ones.Step 7 - Credit and Debit Cards Step 7 - Credit and Debit CardsStep 8 - GoCardless Step 8 - GoCardlessStep 9 - Your subscription Step 9 - Your subscription Subscription Status Account Created Next Charge
DA: 11 PA: 15 MOZ Rank: 26