Countdown to Halloween
Dec 27, 2021 Dec 27, 2021 Hello my creepy friends. I had not closed the crypt quite yet to allow for Creepmas if someone wanted to post about it.However, now has come the time! This crypt is closed until August of 2022. It has been fun but ghoulish at the same time. Let us hope as we tiptoe (or monster stomp) into 2022 that things will be healthier and orange in glow.Happy New Year!MichellePS> You can still find Dex and me over at Instagram and our page is still up and strong there too. Any questions, drop me an email nailamoon1968atgmaildotcom Posted by
Michelle aka Naila Moon on Labels:
,Nov 22, 2021 Nov 22, 2021 Hello Cryptkeepers! I wanted to pass along this message posted on recently.Howdy, folks - Chad here. When Ed & I started this site in 2011, aggressive Christmas creep (seeing Christmas stuff in stores before Halloween) wasn't something everybody was talking about, and creepy Christmas concepts were still rare and mostly related to The Nightmare Before Christmas.10 years later, Creepmas has taken on a life of its own on the web and this site has become somewhat redundant. Pandemic notwithstanding, last year saw a huge drop in participation for both the Blogroll and the creative challenge largely, I believe, because so many other people are doing their own thing with it.And hey, cool! We're glad it's taken off! But it also seems that this site has run its course. So for 2021, we're gonna take a year off and see how things go. Maybe we'll jump start something new for 2022, maybe not. Time will tell.To everybody that's participated and had fun with us for the last decade, thanks, and have a very scary, Merry Creepmas! While they're won't be an "official" Creepmas blog-along this year, don't let that stop you from celebrating the 13 Days of Creepmas however you want! Posted by
Dex on Labels:Nov 7, 2021 Nov 7, 2021 Hope everyone is doing well out there and getting over what I call the Halloween Hangover. You know, that feeling you get on November 1st that the season is "officially" over? I just finished putting away my decorations this weekend. If Christmas can stay up until mid-January, we can give Halloween an extra week right? Anyway, we've cooked up a little survey for you all to see if there's anything we can do to make your Countdown experience better.I promise it's very short and we'd love to hear from you! Posted by
Dex on Labels:
,Nov 1, 2021 Nov 1, 2021 Hello my fellow Creepers! Is Halloween over? Well, technically,, yes but I know many of you celebrate 365 so carry on. Otherwise, the countdown has started over until 2022! I am popping in today to let you know about The 13 Days of Creepmas. I went over to see if there was a badge for those of you that indulge a little more but did not find one. However, if you are interested, here is some info. (below) I think Dex is in charge of this one along with The Great Pumpkin Cult. I have included some information here along with the link. Enjoy a little longer! ;) Do not forget, survey is coming soon and also, I am looking into those shirts/ badges so stay tuned to order. Michelle, MCC
------------------------------------THE 13 DAYS OF CREEPMAS 2020 THE 13 DAYS OF CREEPMAS 2020 If you're new to Creepmas or need a refresher, check out these links: "" and "". You can also find out "" so you can join the rest of the festive ghouls around the web. Even if you don't participate, we'd appreciate you spreading the Hallowday cheer on social media to drag in a few more bodies.To join the frightful festivities, leave a comment below (or ) with your blog/website name and link, add one of the badges below to your blog/site, then post your creepiest Christmas content December 1-13! DON'T HAVE A BLOG OR WEBSITE? Join in on social media by tagging posts #Creepmas or #MakingCreepmas Posted by
Michelle aka Naila Moon on Labels:
,Oct 31, 2021 Oct 31, 2021 Posted by
Michelle aka Naila Moon on Labels:
,Oct 30, 2021 Oct 30, 2021 Has anyone saved me a Snicker's? Posted by
Michelle aka Naila Moon on Labels:Oct 25, 2021 Oct 25, 2021 Hello Crypt Keepers!As if you did not know, we are into our final week of the countdown. Are you keeping up the proverbial ghostly mist or has your broomstick caught fire and burned? I am afraid that mine may be burning but I will get there none-the-less. After all, I need some chocolate!I have completed the run to everyone's crypts. It has been no doubt the best places to be for my full on October spookiness. You all are so brilliant with your movies, music, houses, books, designs, creeps, and critters. I truly do love it all!Are you still visiting others? I have seen some.NOTE: Be sure to come back here for some round up things including a survey and a giveaway.I am not sure if Dex had time to ask you or if he was to ask during the survey but...Would you all like to have (purchase) an official Countdown to Halloween shirt/sweatshirt? Begin this year? Next year? It is something I was kicking around with Dex. I was thinking every subsequent year of offering a patch for the shirt. Let me know in comments. Please everyone chime in about it. Thanks!Your Crypt Keeper,Michelle Posted by
Michelle aka Naila Moon on Labels:
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