What is Micropsia (Impaired Depth Perception)?
When macular degeneration does cause symptoms, they can vary. The experience of one person may be markedly different than another. The condition is progressive and affects central vision, leaving peripheral vision largely intact. Symptoms of macular degeneration can include:1,2 1. Blurry vision 2. Trouble reading 3. Dark spots or blind spots in central vision 4. Objects appear as wrong shape or size 5. Impaired color vision 6. Distorted vision (metamo…
When macular degeneration does cause symptoms, they can vary. The experience of one person may be markedly different than another. The condition is progressive and affects central vision, leaving peripheral vision largely intact. Symptoms of macular degeneration can include:1,2 1. Blurry vision 2. Trouble reading 3. Dark spots or blind spots in central vision 4. Objects appear as wrong shape or size 5. Impaired color vision 6. Distorted vision (metamo…
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