NAA's Federal Advocacy Timeline | National Apartment
6,073 messages 6,073 messages
So far 1,985 advocates have sent 5,865 messages and 208 tweets to Congress on the impact of the CDC moratorium. Sharing your story with Congress can help shed light on what the rental housing industry is facing during this time.1,200 contacts 1,200 contacts
Thank you to those who participated in our grassroots outreach which resulted in close to 1,200 Congressional contacts in just a few hours. Your efforts were extremely helpful in thwarting a legislative extension of the CDC eviction moratorium.NAA Urges Section 8 Funding NAA Urges Section 8 Funding
NAA joins a broad cross-section of stakeholders in asking Senate appropriators to support increased funding levels for additional Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers, administrative costs, and the mobility demonstration program.
DA: 34 PA: 81 MOZ Rank: 43