Tankmix™ is a service outlining the mixability of YaraVita™ products with many plant protection products. Access is freely available to everyone, using the Guest access account below, and allows for better planning of spray programmes and spraying opportunities with most of the YaraVita™ range.
Tankmix™ er en service til at kontrollere blandbarheden af YaraVita™ produkter med forskellige planteværnsmidler. Adgang er frit tilgængelig for alle, ved hjælp af gæsteadgang nedenfor, og giver mulighed for bedre planlægning af sprøjteopgaver og tankblandinger med de fleste YaraVita™ produkter.
Jan 11, 2010 . The DuPont TankMix Calculator Application allows you to easily calculate the amount of product you will need to treat a specific field area, the amount of product you need to apply to a specific tank size, the amount of water you'll need to treat a specific field area or the amount of product you need to get the desired Volume to Volume ratio.
Yara UK Limited (Pocklington), Manor Place, Wellington Road, The Industrial Estate, Pocklington, York, YO42 1DN, UNITED KINGDOM. [ tel: +44 1759 302545 ] [ fax: +44 1759 303650 ] Please ensure that application rates and water rates are included with your request. Read the notes at the bottom of page before acting on tank mix test results.
DA:11PA:12MOZ Rank:36
TankLogix | Tank Monitoring, Oilfield Automation, Salt
Remote login capability Data acquisition - All data is transmitted wirelessly and displayed online Dual-level sensors eliminate the risk of pumping oil down-hole Learn More. Instrumentation and Electrical. Magnetostrictive Tank Sensors Guided Wave Tank Sensors ...
Welcome to Tanki Online — the first multiplayer browser 3D-action! Come join us in furious battles — destroy enemy tanks, help your team, improve your tank and skills, and make your own military career!
Tanki Online EN. 110K subscribers. Subscribe. Tanki Online V-LOG: Episode 319. Info. Shopping. Tap to unmute. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. More videos.
Learn for free about math, art, computer programming, economics, physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, finance, history, and more. Khan Academy is a nonprofit with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere.
DA:37PA:69MOZ Rank:84
Application Requirements | XtendiMax® Herbicide with
XtendiMax® Herbicide with VaporGrip® Technology, part of the Roundup Ready® Xtend Crop System, is a restricted use pesticide and must be used with VaporGrip® Xtra Agent (or an equivalent volatility reduction adjuvant). NOT ALL herbicide formulations are approved for in-crop use with Roundup Ready 2 Xtend ® soybeans and/or products with ...
DA:48PA:69MOZ Rank:53
Welcome to Enlist.com | Enlist® weed control system
Take control of weeds like never before with the Enlist ® weed control system. Unlock superior, neighbor-friendly weed control by planting crops with the Enlist trait.
Description. The TankMix app provides calculations to determine how much, and of what product will be needed to treat the users desired field area with spray. The app calculates product amounts for specific tank sizes and for requested volume to volume ratios. It also provides various types of measurement units for the user’s convenience.
Tankmix™ Home > YaraVita Stopit > Results: Italy: Search Parameters. Yara Product: YaraVita Stopit: Other Product: Any: Search Type: All Tankmixes : Options New Search: Tankmix™ Home: Tankmix™ Disclaimer: Request a New Tank Mix Test: Yara Product: Other Product(s) Water Volume (l) Tankmix Result: Date Tested: PDF Report: Name:
DA:18PA:98MOZ Rank:61
Tank Monitoring System | Wireless Tank Level Remote
Tank level monitoring uses precise sensors located inside the storage tank to transmit tank levels through an application. Digitally monitoring tank status gives distributors accurate data that can be used to either forecast deliveries or respond to automated alerts when a customer is running low, avoiding costly runouts before they happen.
Enriching the lives of those producing and consuming our global food supply. From seeds and crop protection to software and services, we're committed to agriculture.
Apply 0.6 - 1 ounce AFFINITY® TankMix per acre in a tank mix with other suitable registered herbicides. Sequential treatments of AFFINITY® TankMix may be made provided the total amount of AFFINITY® TankMix applied to the crop does not exceed 1.8 ounces per acre. Oat Apply 0.6 to 0.75 ounce AFFINITY® TankMix per acre in
DA:44PA:32MOZ Rank:44
Farming News - Avian influenza H5N1 has been confirmed in
Nov 11, 2021 . Update 11 November 2021: Avian influenza H5N1 has been confirmed in birds at a premises near Frinton-on-Sea, Tendring, Essex, England. Further testing is underway to confirm the pathogenicity of the strain. 3km and 10km Temporary Control Zones have …
Nov 30, 2016 . TO Nickname Reservation. December 9th is the last day you can activate your reserved Tanki Online nickname, to be used in Tanki X. Those to have reserved their nickname during Close Beta Testing, are advised to activate the registration code as soon as possible and to …