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01. Communicate plans early 01. Communicate plans earlyBefore we get into the good stuff, a big part of making the move to HTTPS – especially if you have active users – is communication. This can’t be overstated. We gave everyone on CodePen plenty of notifications and information months before we began making permanent changes to the site.Three months before the change, we told everyone that we would be moving to HTTPS and what this meant for them, especially if they were using specific APIs and libraries that could be served using the insecure HTTP protocol. This was about seeding the idea that there would be change. One month before the change, we contacted everyone again to reiterate the date of change. Then a week before, we released tools and told everyone about the changes that had already been made. Finally, a day before the move, we filled everyone in on our progress once again.This may seem like a lot of emails and notifications, but in reality the more people know about changes that could affect them, the better. We wanted there to be no excuse to not know. After telling over one million users, we received not one single email of complaint and just a few asking for advice on how to fix up Pens.02. Educate users 02. Educate usersThere are a lot of things to do to get secure, the first one is getting a correct certificate. For us, this was done through the , which enabled us to procure, manage and apply the certificate to our servers with ease.There are lots of smaller pitfalls that you can come across making this jump which we won’t go into here, but you can read more .We made sure new creations began on an HTTPS page. This was a big step in nudging everyone into creating more secure PensAfter this was sorted, we wanted to begin updating people’s Pens, posts and collections, but alas this had to wait. To make this move without disrupting anyone, we needed to take measures to a) Educate people about links that were using the insecure protocol, and b) Prevent people from creating more insecure links.The first step we took was to make all new creations begin on an HTTPS page. This meant that if anyone tried to use resources that were insecure, they would immediately see in their developer console that the browser had stopped the request.This alone was a big step, silently nudging everyone into creating more secure Pens and projects, and this process was immediately effective.Showing users what the problem is is better than telling them just to change with no explanation Secondly, we started notifying people if they were including something that could break in the future. These included little alerts when you added an external resource to a Pen.These external resources are the main entry point for HTTP links in CodePen, where people would link to things like Google Fonts, external images and custom hosted scripts.03. Redirect content 03. Redirect contentOnce we were in a place where the majority of people building things were creating them in a secure way, we were able to start migrating pages over to HTTPS. This was a gradual process, with a few quirks, ultimately making sure that some pages would only be accessible using the secure protocol. If they were requested in HTTP form, they would be redirected.Initially we moved over pages that didn’t contain any user creations, since with these pages we were able to ensure that nothing would break – things like the blog, documentation pages, jobs, meetup and the CodePen Spark. It turns out that these little moves were incredibly important to the bigger picture, as we watched traffic slowly move to HTTPS. The real benefit was that once people were on any page in a secure protocol, the rest of the links on CodePen were protocol agnostic, meaning they would stay on HTTPS.Because of this, we found that the majority of people using CodePen ended up browsing securely from this point onwards.04. Fix potentially broken links 04. Fix potentially broken linksOnce we had a secure protocol, and people were actively browsing the site on it, we began the monolithic process of trying to fix potentially broken content. This was a vital piece of the process, since CodePen hosts millions of embeds, in blogs and documentation all over the web. The last thing we wanted was for CodePen to become some kind of coding graveyard.The first step was to locate anywhere that people could enter their own URLs. In the end we had a huge list. We then went over this list, and saved any string that was a URL.We quickly realised the size of the task at hand was enormous: we had over 10 million individual links. Of these 10 million, there were exactly 2,129,437 insecure links.We were able to convert 1,787,411 of the 2,129,437 URLs to their secure counterparts, saving a lot of Pens from obscurityWe ran a script though these 2,129,437 links that would check if there was a similar resource hosted on the HTTPS version of the link. So for something like, there would be an exact copy at, which meant that we could change the URL without feeling intrusive or jeopardising the Pen’s functionality or the creator’s privacy.This process was lengthy, with us sending out hundreds of thousands of requests, although it was made a little quicker by caching results. For example, once we knew there was an HTTPS version of, we knew that every similar link from that point on could be converted without doing another check.That said, even after this was completed we did manual checks over links to see if there were any discrepancies. As much as you can trust your code, it’s always good to check.We were able to convert 1,787,411 of the 2,129,437 URLs to their secure counterparts, saving a lot of Pens from obscurity. We didn’t want to abandon those remaining resources, so we parsed through those that couldn’t be fixed, and compiled a list of those most used.Any resource that had over 500 uses that didn’t have a secure server was put onto a list. We reached out to the creators of these, and found a lot of them were happy to provide us with either a new URL (if they had the resources hosted elsewhere) or to provide those resources from a secure protocol themselves.05. Help users to fix remaining links 05. Help users to fix remaining linksOur tooling helped identify when a Pen had a particular problem, and how to solve it With the majority of Pens secure, we wanted to do something for those who weren’t updated. We created a tool that would allow people to see which of their Pens were in violation of the secure protocol.For this, we created a dashboard page for everyone to see which of their Pens were potentially compromised. This itself has its own problems, since we needed to parse through all the code within each Pen. From a machine’s perspective it’s difficult to tell which of the URLs were going to be used and which ones were harmless. For example, an insecure link in a comment will not jeopardise the integrity of the page.For JavaScript, we used , an ECMAScript-compliant parser that was used to check if URLs were in use within the code. For HTML, we used the browser’s DOMParser API. Once we had these results, we provided a simple page that would show which links were invalid, enabling everyone to see and fix up their remaining Pens.All in all, the steps taken to secure CodePen were lengthy and involved a lot of hands-on action. The best time to have your website served from a secure protocol is 20 years ago. The second best time is now.Read more:
DA: 83 PA: 96 MOZ Rank: 31
01. Explore something new using Topics 01. Explore something new using TopicsSearching for tools and tips that suit your project? Look no further (Image credit: CodePen )CodePen Topics are a relatively new community-driven feature offered to users of all levels, and they’re a great way to set about exploring new frameworks, UI Patterns or JS libraries. Upon opening the Topics page, you’ll be met with a host of options, filtered by category and even further by subcategories. Once viewing a topical category, for instance Vue.js, we’re met with an overview screen with multiple options. Need a starter template to help build out that Vue component? Here’s a list of popular components, and a nifty 'New Pen from Template' button to help us get started. Want to see some expertly curated examples of the framework in action? Filter on over to 'Featured Vue Pens' and you’re met with inspirational works by framework masters and novices alike. While browsing these Topic overviews, we’re offered persistent links to official sites, framework or library documentation and guides, and the project’s core GitHub presence.02. Prototype quicker with templates 02. Prototype quicker with templatesEvery developer at some point has likely felt real pain when , no matter the stack; even a boilerplate setup can require far more time than one is looking to invest in to create and test something like a few submit button prototypes. With CodePen, you’re already there – an IDE standing ready for you to easily dump the contents of your creative mind. But by using CodePen’s template feature, it’s now even easier to spin up the exact environment you need to get the job done. A template can contain any number of predefined external scripts (you can include another pen as an external asset), will allow you to preset your preferred HTML/CSS/JS preprocessor (which will neatly auto compile on the fly), and will even preserve any existing code that you care to preserve.Rapid prototyping gets turbocharged with dialed-in dev environments (Image credit: CodePen / Adam Kuhn)It’s quite simple to specify a Pen as a template – with your Pen opened, mash that Settings button, click on through to Pen Details, and from there you’ll see a neat little toggle offering the option to save as a Regular Pen or a Template.So how does this differ from forking an existing Pen? Setting a Pen as a template will allow you to choose this setup immediately upon opting to create a new Pen, with no need to search through your previous pens to fork and modify them, no need to re-import all your scripts of choice from the ground up, and no need to reselect all of the syntax options and settings you might prefer for the given concept. Additionally, starting a new Pen from a template treats your Pen as a wholly new creation, whereas forking will create a pen that links back to the original, with a distinct history rather than a blank slate. Upgrading to a CodePen Pro account offers you an incredibly valuable set of expanded features, but even the free user accounts will allow for unlimited template generation.03. Start a collection 03. Start a collectionCodePen Collections offer a great way to group and locate concepts (Image credit: CodePen / Adam Kuhn)If you enjoy having the ability to seek out resources using CodePen Topics but wish you could curate your own, Collections are the answer you’re seeking. Adding a Pen to a collection is as simple as selecting the 'Collections' drop-down from any Pen’s edit view, where you can specify a Collection or create a new one. Again, it can be anyone’s Pen (and if you’re a Pro user, you can set your Collection to private). The beauty of Collections is the ability to view all of your Collections in one place with robust filter, sort and search options — a great way to define resources by stack or framework, keep a running list of inspiration, or cluster Pens by UI concepts. Interested in another user’s public Collection? You can even subscribe to the Collection via RSS to stay on top of updates.04. Improve efficiency with preprocessors 04. Improve efficiency with preprocessorsLet’s face it, most of us spend more than enough time behind screens than we likely should. Many of us are so overwhelmed with practical career-related endeavours it’s hard to find the time to build a library of useless toggle switches or WebGL page transitions, and while CodePen strips away typical setup time and allows us to get straight to work, efficiency can always be improved. This is where CodePen’s native preprocessors come in handy.For instance: want to build a grid of a few hundred HTML cells, each one’s style attributes randomly updated via JavaScript? You could go about copying and pasting div after div, sure. And by the end of this all the editor window is nearly impossible to navigate. Here’s where HAML, Pug or Jade shine: from the Pen’s settings window, select an HTML preprocessor with ease, write a simple loop, and generate these elements in roughly two lines. Not sure where to get started? There’s Pen for that: a search of 'HAML Loop' at CodePen yields a good number of boilerplate Pens that will give you a cursory understanding of how to efficiently generate your page elements. Preprocessors get your concepts off the ground even faster (Image credit: CodePen / Adam Kuhn)With like LESS and Sass, we can build mixins and predefined functions that accept a multitude of arguments, making them a perfect addition to your CodePen templates and allowing you to write otherwise complex styles with relative ease. Perhaps you’re building out UI elements for a greater project – you can now define all your colour, typeface and spacing variables with clear and concise naming conventions; and again including these in a CodePen template allows you to iterate with virtually zero setup.Enjoy the efficiency of CoffeeScript, TypeScript or Babel? CodePen can natively compile your JS preprocessor of choice too. If at any time if you’d like to peek under the hood and see what your compiled code looks like, you can simply select 'View Compiled' from your code editing pane of choice to get a feel for what your final output will look like – and you should; working with loops and advanced functions can make setup and iteration incredibly fast, but can also wind up spitting out a good amount of unused syntax. If at any time you intend to use these creations in production, be sure to view all of your code fully compiled, and make any reductions or adjustments necessary for performance.05. Explore CodePen's coolest new feature: Projects 05. Explore CodePen's coolest new feature: ProjectsEven if you’re writing production-ready code, CodePen’s got your back (Image credit: CodePen )Still a somewhat fresh feature, CodePen Projects are sort of an unsung hero – CodePen’s original three-pane HTML / CSS / JS setup already allows for custom external includes and real-time preprocessor compilation. So what makes Projects stand out? In addition to the standard editing pages, you are able to add your own local files – meaning you can flesh out your own file structures as you would on a local environment, creating multi-page sites or applications in a singular, self-contained environment without the need to set up complicated Gulp or Webpack configurations, for instance. CodePen projects make it easy to drag and drop your existing files (make sure you stash them safely in ), and will neatly maintain your structure or allow you to make changes from within the editor. And if you’re a Pro level user, it gets a bit sweeter: when you’re ready to deploy your work, you can deploy the environment of your choice with a single click.06. Turn on the telly 06. Turn on the tellyCodePen TV offers a delightful diversion for your downtime (Image credit: CodePen )Hidden amongst all of the powerful, practical tools offered by CodePen is a whimsical distraction known as CodePen TV. CodePen TV is simply a randomised sampling of Picked Pens that gradually rotates in a screen saver-like fashion. Perhaps you don’t care to look at a random selection of Pens and want to curate your own 'channel' of Pens featuring cats — you can also launch a CodePen TV channel based on any CodePen Collection (including Collections created by other users). And if you’re a Mac user, you can even use CodePen TV as a standalone OSX native screensaver!07. Embrace the community spirit 07. Embrace the community spiritCoding communities are notorious for exclusivity, creating veritable breeding grounds for impostor syndrome that can feel impenetrable and unwelcoming to even the most seasoned designers and developers. This is where CodePen stands out – and why becoming an active member of the community offers such benefits. See a Pen that sparks joy? Mash that heart button, and show another user a little love. You can go ahead and click it up to three times if you really, really love the work they’ve done. Feeling inspired, or maybe thinking of an alternate take on another user’s Pen? With a single click, you can fork a Pen, and then impart your own creative flourishes, or even refactor it as you see fit. Alternately, if you see a better approach, or you find a flaw in a user’s code, consider commenting on the Pen with any constructive suggestions that you have. While most of the comment sections on sites like these are typically an uncontrollable dumpster fire of negativity, the community typically does an excellent job of self-policing, encouraging positivity, and bolstering others. Community is CodePen’s true superpower (Image credit: CodePen )Perhaps the best way to dive into the community is by joining – an open forum for sharing work, soliciting advice, and creative collaboration. One example is Pass the Pen, a concept from CodePen user Kristopher van Sant, wherein a Pen is created, and then iterated over by users who would like to contribute. CodePen also offers weekly challenge prompts to keep you creatively engaged. You may not feel your work is worthy of sharing, but you’re probably wrong. Take to CodePen’s Spectrum chat and show off what you’re working on no matter how big or small. You’ll be pleasantly surprised how supportive and helpful the average CodePen user is, and probably learn a few different things along the way.08. Attend a meetup IRL 08. Attend a meetup IRLAt the core of what makes CodePen an essential tool for frontend developers is the community. But sometimes it’s helpful to take your skills offscreen – and there’s no better way than to host or attend a CodePen meetup. CodePen will graciously supply you with swag for attendees, and with the help of their sponsors, they can even help you secure reimbursement for food and drink – the location and date are up to you. Meetups provide an excellent opportunity to pair program, publicly solicit strategies or concepts, complete a team challenge or just better get to know what motivates your fellow coders. Or maybe you’re just there for the free pizza. We forgive you.09. Upgrade to Pro 09. Upgrade to ProThe depth of functionality CodePen offers free of charge is really quite remarkable, particularly considering the burden of thousands of users simultaneously cobbling together some incredibly server-intensive creations. Out of the box, it’s a pretty well rounded experience – that is until you’ve taken a bite from CodePen Pro. So why make the jump? While it carries many useful expanded features, one feature alone makes it worthwhile: the ability to save Pens privately. For non-Pro users, every Pen created is publicly indexed, which is often just fine. But what if I want to flesh out some UI flourishes for a yet-to-launch client project? This is where the ability to save privately comes in super handy – 'private' doesn’t mean hidden, you can still share direct links to your pen with your internal team, for instance. But your pen is otherwise indiscoverable. Perhaps you just need an environment to test out new concepts, or you have limited time to work on a creation and intend to return later – this is where privacy options make the difference. Get a taste of the features of Pro and you’ll never look back (Image credit: CodePen / Adam Kuhn)So what else does a Pro account include? Asset hosting! Within a 2Mb per file limit, CodePen will host your Pen’s assets, meaning no need to upload images or scripts to an external host, and allowing more flexibility when working with frameworks with strict cross-origin specifications.Pro accounts offer access to Live View – allowing users to see their edits reloaded on-the-fly across multiple windows – Collab Mode – which allows for live pair programming and includes a handy chat option – and Professor Mode, which will broadcast your code updates alongside the Pen’s live preview in real time, ideal for code instructors or conference-circuit masochists alike. CodePen Pro also offers the ability to edit your very own profile page, including custom CSS and JS, and an optional Pen embed as page header – because knowing their audience means knowing frontend developers are clamoring to customise, customise, customise.10. Dip into the well of inspiration 10. Dip into the well of inspirationMissing that creative spark? Dribbble is a great place to look (Image credit: Dribbble)A fresh Pen is like a blank canvas, but sometimes creative block will hit, and that canvas will take a long Nietzschean gaze into you. Feeling uninspired? Look into the latest or join in a coding challenge group like or . Maybe head on over to and recreate (or perhaps animate) an illustration in CSS – just be sure to give credit where due (adding backlinks to your Pen’s public details is the preferred method.) These might seem like exercises in futility, and we’ve all been privy to arguments against coding in one’s free time, but there’s another little-recognised upside to (publicly) creative coding at CodePen: potential employers and recruiters actually spend time scouring the site for folks who display creative ambition. Built some things you’re particularly proud of? Be sure to include them in your portfolio.CodePen makes embedding easy, with multiple display options, and using their new prefill embed feature, you can add a CodePen editor window with rendered code directly from your portfolio site’s codebase.This article was originally published in creative web design magazine ..Read more:
DA: 57 PA: 55 MOZ Rank: 59
The SAASPASS codepen.iopassword manager comes with a number of features: Autofill & Autologin on your computer with the browser extension from the web portal Autofill & Autologin on your computer with the browser extension from …
DA: 95 PA: 52 MOZ Rank: 78
Apr 02, 2021 . To use it, just click as the random characters pass by – once for each spot in the password. The result is a fully “cracked” password! Password: Protected There you have it, a mix of password fields that can enhance the usability and maybe even the security of …
DA: 95 PA: 19 MOZ Rank: 30
Designed by renowned security technologist Bruce Schneier. Over 5 million downloads. Download (Windows) Alternate Download (Windows) Whether the answer is one or hundreds, Password Safe allows you to safely and easily create a secured and encrypted user name/password list. With Password Safe all you have to do is create and remember a single "Master Password" …
DA: 92 PA: 52 MOZ Rank: 80
Sep 10, 2012 . 12 Incredible CodePen.IO Demos. Whenever I need to put my ego in check, I go to Chris Coyier's new CodePen.IO site. CodePen.IO is an incredible showcase of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, displaying the talents of developers creating effects that 99% of the world's front-end developers couldn't create. I spent a few hours while on CodePen, and after ...
DA: 88 PA: 86 MOZ Rank: 15
Jun 01, 2018 . This full page, responsive CodePen is the creation of Dany Santos. The login forms only contain email and password whereas sign in form contains email, username and password. In addition these components only appear once you choose whether to log in or sign up. With the background animation this one looks attractive. Source Code and Demo
DA: 34 PA: 54 MOZ Rank: 82
Enabling the user to show and hide his password is not all that we can do , a study has show that one each fiver users use 123456 as their password which is very unsafe and all the fancy stuff website developers do nowadays from hashing to salting all of this will not make any difference if the hacker can simply guess your password and if you use any in the list of top famous 25 …
DA: 80 PA: 76 MOZ Rank: 42
Jan 02, 2021 . KeePass Password Safe: This is the official website of KeePass, the free, open source, light-weight and easy-to-use password manager. Latest News. KeePass 2.49 released 2021-09-10 16:18. Read More » ...
DA: 59 PA: 58 MOZ Rank: 90
The secure way to share is with a tool like LastPass that gives you the ability to share a hidden password and even revoke access when the time comes. Why you need a built-in password generator. Simplify your digital life with a strong password generator that’s built into your browser or an app on your phone.
DA: 91 PA: 77 MOZ Rank: 47
Mar 13, 2015 . The password string will be evaluated after each key press so the user can quickly see the result. Let’s create an event listener to capture keyboard events inside the password field. Add the following code to the JavaScript file. password.addEventListener('keyup', function (){ });
DA: 71 PA: 71 MOZ Rank: 40
CodePen includes some awesome features to write CSS faster. You can select to include Normalize.css or Reset.css in your CSS by simply clicking a radio button. You can also choose to use -prefix-free or Autoprefixeras well. This way there is no need to take the time to link to an external file (which is also possible, if you wanted to). What if you aren’t sure about some of your CSS techniques being used? Don’t worry; CodePen has CSSLintintegration to search through y…
CodePen includes some awesome features to write CSS faster. You can select to include Normalize.css or Reset.css in your CSS by simply clicking a radio button. You can also choose to use -prefix-free or Autoprefixeras well. This way there is no need to take the time to link to an external file (which is also possible, if you wanted to). What if you aren’t sure about some of your CSS techniques being used? Don’t worry; CodePen has CSSLintintegration to search through y…
DA: 16 PA: 57 MOZ Rank: 47
If you’re stuck, copy this piece of code and then change the design and password to make it your own. Don’t forget to save your file in your Coding folder and call it password.html See the Pen qZLOQN by Walker Books UK ( @walkerbooks ) on CodePen .
DA: 40 PA: 8 MOZ Rank: 32
WalletConnect is a software that connects Decentralized Applications or DApps (i.e. Uniswap, OpenSea, etc.) to your Cryptocurrency Wallet.It’s also built to work on multiple blockchains such as Etherereum, Solana, Polkadot, and many more. WalletConnect is also multi-chain, meaning, it can connect to multiple wallets and send transactions to several chains at the same time …
DA: 6 PA: 72 MOZ Rank: 89
To keep your Android phone safe from prying eyes or inquisitive kids, it is necessary to password protect your device. But sometimes, password protection changes from being a blessing to a menace. How you say? Well, consider a scenario in which you forget your Android device’s screen password, PIN, or pattern passcode no matter how hard you try to recall.
DA: 52 PA: 59 MOZ Rank: 2
Apr 01, 2020 . It’s not even a question whether they will forget their passwords, they will. The “Forgotten your password?” option should be safe and easy to find under stress. Make sure users get the instant password reset emails and think about adding security questions or two-step mobile authorization. CSS 3 Cheat Sheets
DA: 86 PA: 37 MOZ Rank: 7
CSS Login Forms Examples 2020. 32+ Best CSS Login Forms Examples from hundreds of the CSS Login Forms reviews in the market ( as derived from Avada Commerce Ranking which is using Avada Commerce scores, rating reviews, search results, social metrics. The bellow reviews were picked manually by Avada Commerce experts, if your CSS Login Forms does …
DA: 80 PA: 78 MOZ Rank: 82
Oct 18, 2019 . Do I have to use CodePen for the front end projects? As long as your code is publicly viewable somewhere on the internet, and you have a live demo, you can use whatever tools you want. How did freeCodeCamp get started? Quincy started the freeCodeCamp community in 2014. He is now just one of thousands of active contributors. I'm a teacher.
DA: 77 PA: 3 MOZ Rank: 86
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