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NY JETS GAME vs. NE Patriots – 9/19/21 1PM NY JETS GAME vs. NE Patriots – 9/19/21 1PM $40 per ticket, single day admission, free parking 10 ticket limit per member Parking pass available (discounted) $30 per vehicle Limited tickets available, first come – first served Mezzanine level (Sections 227 or 228) See a steward for details, purchase tickets by AUGUST 20, 2021 Local 300 Scholarship Open2021 BERNARD HOLLOWAY, JOHN A. ORCHARD, EDWARD J. MILLER, WALLY MERWIN, AND AARON PRESTON MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP 2021 BERNARD HOLLOWAY, JOHN A. ORCHARD, EDWARD J. MILLER, WALLY MERWIN, AND AARON PRESTON MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP The Local Union Council and members of Local 300 of the National Postal Mail Handlers Union are proud to announce the annual competition for the Bernard Holloway, John A. Orchard, Edward J. Miller, Wally Merwin and Aaron Preston Memorial Scholarship Awards. We will be awarding five (5) $1,000 scholarships for study at an accredited college, university, or trade school. The scholarships are available for regular members, a legal spouse of a regular member, children, grandchildren, and legal wards of our regular members. The five brothers memorialized in this scholarship devotedly served the cause of Mail Handlers and enabled us all to benefit. In awarding these scholarships we re-affirm our commitment to increasing the educational opportunities available to our members and to the working class. We also reaffirm our commitment to struggle for knowledge and genuine democracy in order to create a better world in which an informed and enlightened people can best decide their fate. All members are urged to read the “Requirements” for consideration and to urge every eligible applicant (a regular member, or a legal spouse of a regular member, a regular union member’s child, grand-child, or legal ward who meets the scholarship requirements) to apply. Completed applications must be received at Local 300 headquarters by August 11, 2021 Click here for the info and the application Applications can also be obtained from your Local 300 Shop Stewards or by contacting: Wilfredo Delgado, Treasurer – Email: NPMHU Local 300, Treasurer 20 West 33rd Street, Suite 8A New York, N.Y. 10001-3305 (212) 431-0040 6,596 MHAs Converted to Career Full-time Regular by 8/14/21 (pdf) Linked above is a new MOU just signed by the NPMHU and the Postal Service to provide for additional Mail Handler staffing, in large part by converting 6,596 Mail Handler Assistants to full-time regular career employment no later than August 14, 2021. Also attached is a chart listing the 245 facilities in which these 6596 conversions will take place and the number of conversions that will take place in each listed facility. As set forth in the MOU, the Postal Service has agreed to convert 6596 MHAs to career status, in the listed facilities, by August 14, 2021. In exchange, the parties agree to extend the exception period for the continued employment of MHAs in excess of the 24.5% installation cap until July 16, 2021 as set forth below. MHAs hired in excess of the 24.5% installation cap for COVID related reasons remain subject to a separate MOU. 1. The parties agree to extend the exception period for the continued employment of MHAs in excess of the 24.5% installation cap as set forth below: A. Facilities other than those listed on the attached table that are in excess of the 24.5% installation cap will separate Peak MHA hires (i.e., MHAs hired for reasons unrelated to COVID-19) on or before July 16, 2021, following the procedures of the current National Agreement. B. Installations that plan to convert five or fewer non-career employees to career status in accordance with the attached table will be permitted to retain the number of Peak MHA hires above the 24.5% installation cap equal to the amount of conversions listed in the table beyond July 16, 2021. After the above-referenced conversions are completed and accounted for in the MHA cap, those retained Peak MHA hires above the 24.5% installation cap will be separated on or before August 27, 2021 following the procedures of the National Agreement. All other Peak MHA hires in these facilities will be separated on July 16, 2021, following the procedures of the current National Agreement. C. After the above-referenced conversions are completed and accounted for in the MHA cap, facilities listed on the attached table that are in excess of the 24.5% installation cap and which plan to convert more than five non-career employees to career status in accordance with the attached table will separate any non-COVID related MHA hires on or before August 27, 2021 following the procedures of the current National Agreement. Additionally, we have agreed that the exception period for the 2021 peak season for exceeding the 24.5% limitation as set forth in Article 7.1 B3, will be expanded by one additional accounting period. This additional accounting period must be adjacent to the two accounting periods previously identified to the Union under Article 7.1B3 for 2021 and the Postal Service shall notify the Union, at the National level and at the appropriate installation, of the selected additional accounting period for each installation no later than July 30, 2021. Also see attached a copy of the Questions & Answers that have been agreed to for this MOU Re: Additional Mail Handler Staffing – June 21, 2021. Please contact the National CAD should you have any questions. 520 MHAs in Local 300 to be converted to Career NYC (Morgan) – 90 NDC – 81 Teterboro (NNJ Metro) – 56 Bethpage – 48 Brooklyn – 45 DVD – 41 Greater Newark – 40 Westchester – 38 Flushing – 27 ISC/JFK – 22 Mid Island – 17 Western Nassau – 9 Stamford – 6 Contract Interpretation Manual NOW AVAILABLE: CONTRACT INTERPRETATION MANUAL (CIM) Version 5 As provided for in Article 15, Section .3E of the National Agreement between the National Postal Mail Handlers Union and the United States Postal Service, both parties have agreed to jointly produce a Contract Interpretation Manual (CIM), which represents a good faith effort to identify contractual issues on which the National parties are in agreement regarding interpretation and application of the parties’ National Agreement. The latest issue of the CIM is Version 5, which was released on June 8, 2021. Click to download the bookmarked (pdf) COVID MOUs Extended to 8/6/21 MOU – Temporary Expanded Sick Leave for Dependent Care During COVID-19 MOU – Temporary (MHA) Exception Period COVID-19 Liberal Changes of Schedule and Leave MOU – Suspension of Temporary Additional Paid Leave for MHAs MOU – Temporary Extension on Step 3 and Arbitration Appeals NPMHU Call to Action: Tell your elected officials to support H.R. 3076/S. 1720 The House and Senate introduced the Postal Reform Act of 2021, H.R. 3076/S. 1720. This legislation would repeal the burdensome mandate to prefund retiree healthcare benefits and calls for future retirees to enroll in Medicare. These actions alone would save the Postal Service $44 billion over ten years. Additionally, the bill would offer greater transparency by requiring additional reporting finances and performance, as well as a public dashboard to inform customers on delays. H.R. 3076 already passed with the House Committee on Oversight, and S. 1720 has enough cosponsors that it would pass when it comes to the Senate floor for a vote. We ask you reach out to your Representative and Senators, letting them know you support this legislation, and they should too. You can find a prepared letter at the NPMHU Action center, , with this message. Thank you for your assistance on this matter. NPMHU Seeks EFEL Clarification From OPM The National Office has sent to Kathleen McGettigan, Acting Director of the Office of Personnel Management requesting clarification on their guidelines for EFEL Qualifying Circumstance #5. According to the OPM guidance, a covered employee is eligible for EPL if the employee certifies “that he or she is unable to work because of a qualifying circumstance.” One qualifying circumstance is “(5) Caring for employee’s child when required because, due to COVID-19 precautions, the child’s school or place of care has been closed, or the child is participating in virtual learning instruction, or the child’s care provider is unavailable.” The guidance goes on to state that “[t]his circumstance applies only when an employee needs to, and actually is, caring for the employee’s son or daughter and if the employee is unable to work (including telework) as a result of providing care.” Finally, the guidance directs federal agencies, including the Postal Service, “[t]o confirm eligibility for EPL based on qualifying circumstance (5)” by requiring “an employee [to] provide to the agency— (1) the name of the son or daughter being cared for; (2) the name of the school, place of care, or child care provider and a brief description of the situation (i.e., closure, use of on-line instruction, unavailability of the child care provider); and (3) a written explanation regarding why the employee’s circumstances (e.g., ages of children, number of children, special needs of children, lack of other adults in the home) make the employee unable to work (including telework) during the requested hours of leave.” After OPM guidance was issued, management at the Postal Service issued frequently asked questions (FAQs) to cover postal employees, including mail handlers. Those FAQs included in number 8 the following question and answer: I work a tour that does not directly conflict with my child’s hours of virtual/hybrid schooling or my need to provide childcare as a result of the childcare provider’s unavailability. Am I eligible for EFEL under qualifying reason 5? No. EFEL under qualifying reason 5 is available only for hours that an employee actually is providing childcare because of the qualifying reason. As made clear by the Postal Service’s answer to this FAQ, postal management has taken the position that an employee is eligible only if the employee “actually is” providing childcare during the hours that the employee is scheduled to work. The NPMHU believes that this restriction is a misunderstanding or misinterpretation of OPM’s guidance, which simply states that to be eligible the employee “actually is” caring for a child and because the employee is providing such childcare the employee is “unable to work.” The NPMHU does not believe that the OPM guidance requires an absolute match between the hours providing childcare and the hours required or scheduled to work. May 11, 2021 – (pdf) NY Congressman Suozzi Also Asks OPM For EFEL Clarification Postal Reform Act and the Postal Improvement Act The House Committee on Oversight and Reform passed the bipartisan Postal Reform Act of 2021 (H.R. 3076). This bill would repeal the 2006 mandate requiring the USPS to prefund its retiree healthcare benefits; require future retirees and their annuitants to enroll in Medicare when eligible; provide agreements with state, local and tribal governments to provide non-commercial services; and, call upon the Postal Service to conduct studies on service standards and create a public facing dashboard, informing postal customers on delays. By eliminating the prefunding mandate and calling for prospective integration into Medicare, the Postal Service would save $4.4 billion annually. No other private business or public agency prefunds their retiree healthcare, and postal employees have contributed over $35 billion to Medicare over the past four decades, while not fully taking advantage of its benefits. This is a commonsense solution that is supported by labor, management, Republicans, and Democrats alike. Additionally, the bill allows for agreements with state, local, or tribal governments to provide property and services on behalf of such agencies for non-commercial products and services, such as providing fishing and hunting licenses, as a means of growth. This has been a long-standing item on NPMHU’s legislative agenda, and we are glad to see it was included in this bill. Last summer, Mail Handlers and customers grappled with changes to service standards and delivery times. Recognizing the problem, H.R. 3076 would create a dashboard on the USPS website that would inform customers of delays and issues with services. This is the kind of transparency Americans deserve from the Postal Service. We look forward to seeing this bill move through the House, and the NPHMU is working with its friends in the Senate to ensure the bill gains support in that chamber so it will eventually become law. On behalf of NPMHU members, I would like to thank Chairwoman Maloney and Ranking Member Comer on their tireless work on H.R. 3076. As Mail Handlers know, the Postal Service and the work of its employees are essential to Americans across the country. This bill provides the first steps to much needed financial stability. The NPMHU looks forward to our continued work with the entire Committee on Oversight and Reform. After approving H.R. 3076, the House Committee passed along partisan lines the Postal Service Improvement Act of 2021 (H.R. 3077). This bill includes language that would provide tracking for mail-in ballots for future federal elections, as well as a provision that provides twelve weeks of paid leave to postal employees for the birth, adoption, or fostering of a child. During today’s committee business meeting, additional amendments were added to the bill that included modernizing the postal fleet with electric vehicles; utilizing letter carriers in the 2030 census; requiring financial disclosures from the Postmaster General and the Deputy Postmaster General before they assume duties; ensuring members of Congress cannot be denied access to postal facilities for basic oversight observations; and restoring service standards to those in effect as of January 1, 2020. Thank you to the Committee for its work and continued support of the Postal Service and its dedicated workforce. (pdf) USPS Releases FAQs on EFEL Emergency Federal Employee Leave (EFEL) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) The National Office of theNPMHU has just received a document from the Postal Service regarding Frequently Asked Questions on the Emergency Federal Employee Leave (EFEL). The FAQs are also available on the Coronavirus Employee Resources page on LiteBlue, under the EFEL tab. Stand Up Talks are expected to be given next week. Additional EFEL Info Employees who requested EFEL and were “conditionally approved” from March 11, 2021 to May 3, 2021 will be mailed letters to their address of record, asking them to complete the necessary EFEL forms and provide applicable documentation to their direct supervisor or manager by May 21, 2021. OPM Provides EFEL Guidance
DA: 13 PA: 86 MOZ Rank: 48
National Postal Mail Handlers Union. Online MAILS Database. *It may take up to 72 hours to process your MAILS access request. Please do not submit multiple requests. Enter your username or email address. This new site allows one account per email address. If you had multiple accounts on the old site, only the first account will work. Click on ...
DA: 9 PA: 52 MOZ Rank: 22
USPS Issues Mandatory Stand Up Talk on Temporary COVID 19 Vaccination Variance Request Jan 4NPMHU and USPS Sign MOU on Temporary Extensions of Step 3 and Arbitration Appeals Dec 21
DA: 17 PA: 74 MOZ Rank: 13
Mar 01, 2011 . Standard_Grievance_Form – Local 300. Step 2 (a) GRIEVANCE FORM Local 300 – MS Word. Request-For-Information (1) new address. Step-2-Additions-and-Corrections. Step 3 Appeal. Step-3-Appeal-L300-Ltrhd. Postal Pay Periods. Branch Grievance Log. Branch Membership Meeting Sign-In Sheet.
DA: 48 PA: 92 MOZ Rank: 41
Sep 10, 2011 . 2016 NPMHU Constitutions Local 300 Newsletters. Local 300 – Witness Statement. Local 300 – Abusive Supervisor Incident Worksheet. 2017 Leave Record. 2015 Leave Record. 2014 Leave Record. 2013 Leave Record. Payscales 2014 PP20 September 6, 2014. Payscales 2014 PP07 March 8, 2014. Payscales 2013 PP25 November 16, 2013. Payscale …
DA: 14 PA: 6 MOZ Rank: 58
NPMHU Women's Committee NPMHU SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM (2022-2023) Contract Interpretation Manual v.5 2016 National and Uniform Local Union Constitution Wage Charts Member Benefits MAILS and Shop Steward Resources Buy Union. Buy American. Hot Topics Join the National Postal Mail Handlers Union
DA: 40 PA: 61 MOZ Rank: 100
NJI & NDC Branch – Marie Chery, Branch President – NJ NDC, 80 County Road, Jersey City, NJ 07097-9998, (201) 653-1767, fax (201) 653-2254 e-mail: [email protected] Website: New York City Branch – Irene Delgado, Branch President – Morgan P&DC, 341 9th Avenue, New York, NY 10199-9998 (212) 330-3028 ... login
DA: 80 PA: 63 MOZ Rank: 98
Contact Local 300. 2005 W Pico Blvd, 2nd Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90006. Phone: (213) 385-3550 Fax: (213) 385-6985 login
DA: 64 PA: 45 MOZ Rank: 26
NPMHU Local 300. This user has no public photos. United We Fight NYC 2021 by NPMHU Local 300. KTABARUS RIGHT by NPMHU Local 300. SCHUMER by NPMHU Local 300. SCHUMER MID ISLAND 8-12-20 by NPMHU Local 300. SCHUMER ARTICLE by NPMHU Local 300. Steward Training 1/13/20 by NPMHU Local 300. Steward Training 1/13/20 by NPMHU Local …
DA: 26 PA: 56 MOZ Rank: 75
Wyoming Mail Handlers Vote to Amalgamate with Local 321 ** Colorado Mail Handlers to receive ballots this week ** The principal parties, including Local 319 President Robert (Bob) Jacknitsky, Local 321 President Errol (Tony) Wilson, and NPMHU National President Paul Hogrogian all support the proposal to amalgamate Local 319 with Local 321.
DA: 86 PA: 38 MOZ Rank: 71
NPMHU Local 300. This app was created for members of the National Postal Mail Handler Union Local 300 it has information on contracts, and changes to contracts, as well as the CIM, local constitution, and upcoming Union Events, meetings, and various Training and Conferences. It is used to update our members on changes to pay scales, and ... Offered By: Antonio Sanchez NPMHU Local 300 Current Version: 1.0 Content Rating: Everyone login
Offered By: Antonio Sanchez NPMHU Local 300
Current Version: 1.0
Content Rating: Everyone
DA: 60 PA: 93 MOZ Rank: 95
Local 300 Installation of Officers 7-17-14. On July17, 2014 National Mail Handler President John Hegarty, presided over the swearing in of recently elected officers for Local 300. Also in attendance were National Treasurer Mark Gardner and Northeast Regional Director Tom Ruther. The newly elected officer’s term will be for 3 years.
DA: 78 PA: 50 MOZ Rank: 85
Dec 22, 2015 . NPMHU Women's Committee NPMHU SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM (2022-2023) Contract Interpretation Manual v.5 2016 National and Uniform Local Union Constitution Wage Charts Member Benefits MAILS and Shop Steward Resources Buy Union. Buy American. Hot Topics Join the National Postal Mail Handlers Union
DA: 39 PA: 13 MOZ Rank: 42
This site uses cookies to improve your experience and to help show content that is more relevant to your interests. By using this site, you agree to the use of cookies by Flickr and our partners as described in our cookie policy.
DA: 34 PA: 24 MOZ Rank: 29
It is with sincere regret that we have received word of the passing of former Local 303 President Phil Tyson. A retired postal worker, union member, and strong advocate for the National Postal Mail Handlers Union (NPMHU). The NPMHU and our union brothers and sisters mourn the loss of former Local President Tyson.
DA: 58 PA: 51 MOZ Rank: 69
Dec 22, 2015 . The National Postal Mail Handlers Union is recognized as the exclusive collective bargaining agent for 47,000 Mail Handlers, who load, unload, prepare, sort and containerize mail for delivery by the United States Postal Service. Local Unions Contract Administration Department The primary focus at the National Office is the negotiation and ...
DA: 8 PA: 89 MOZ Rank: 37
Agreement Between the National Postal Mail Handlers Union and United States Postal Service for September 21, 2019 – September 20, 2022 ... 2016 National and Uniform Local Union Constitution. ... Click the title to login to the database. Buy Union. Buy American.
DA: 72 PA: 33 MOZ Rank: 94
NPMHU Women's Committee NPMHU SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM (2022-2023) Contract Interpretation Manual v.5 2016 National and Uniform Local Union Constitution Wage Charts Member Benefits MAILS and Shop Steward Resources Buy Union. Buy American. Hot Topics Join the National Postal Mail Handlers Union
DA: 75 PA: 80 MOZ Rank: 50
Local 300 continues with it’s aggressive training programs. On 5/7/18 Arbitration Advocate training was held at Local 300 HQ. The training was given by NPMHU National Shop Steward Trainer John Gibson, NPMHU NE Regional Director Tom Ruther & Local 300 President Kevin Tabarus. The training was attended by: 1.Alan Sacks - Bethpage Branch President 2.Frank … Views: 136
Views: 136
DA: 58 PA: 32 MOZ Rank: 37
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