PAMIC PAC Breakfast At The Annual Spring Conference
March 5, 2020 March 5, 2020200 W Park Ave, State College, PA 168037:30AM - 8:30AM 200 W Park Ave, State College, PA 168037:30AM - 8:30AMBreakfast with Tina Pickett at Annual Spring Conference The PAMIC PAC will be hosting Representative Tina Pickett, Chair, House Insurance Committee at this breakfast prior to the start of Annual Spring Conference. She will be discussing the issues before her committee and respond to questions. Registration is open! Sign up to support this important event benefitting the PAMIC PAC. Contribution: $50 per person-Includes hot breakfast PAMIC, cordially invites you for a morning breakfast with Rep. Tina Pickett, Chair, House Insurance Committee. This fundraiser falls on the morning of the PAMIC Annual Spring Conference set for March 5, 2020. Rep Pickett is the lead architect and champion for our industry by working tirelessly to reform the Insurance Departments’ use of outside consultants and to bring cost accountability to the Market Conduct and Financial exam process. Her effort saw this bill become law in less than 7 months from inception to law - a real feat in Harrisburg! Her leadership of this committee is crucial to our industry because she understands the business challenges we face and is a small business owner herself. Her committee will also play a significant role as PAMIC updates regulations dealing homeowner cancellations and non-renewals.Now is the time to make a personal connection with our public policy leaders!If paying by personal check, make checks payable to “PAMIC PAC” or use your personal credit card to donate online. No corporate dollars are allowed by law. Mail checks to:PAMIC PAC4999 Louise Drive, Suite 304Mechanicsburg, PA17055Even if you cannot attend, your financial support is still appreciated.Only personal checks or cards will be accepted. PAMIC does not take corporate money for PAC contributions. PAMIC EVENT REGISTRATION Source:: Posted in , Tagged Earlier Event: March 4 Later Event: March 20
End date: Mar 05, 2020
DA: 4 PA: 67 MOZ Rank: 33