AN IMPORTANT UPDATE: 2020 PBS Skin Summit Cancellation
16th March 2020. 16th March 2020.In light of the evolving COVID-19 situation, it is with deep regret that we announce the cancellation of the 2020 PBS Skin Summit event. In light of the evolving COVID-19 situation, it is with deep regret that we announce the cancellation of the 2020 PBS Skin Summit event. With a rising number of Covid-19 cases in Australia and globally, increasing restrictions on travel and public gatherings, as well as mandatory self-isolation requirements and social distancing advice, it is with careful consideration and great disappointment that we’ve made the decision to cancel the event.With multiple guest speakers travelling from overseas, attendees coming from interstate, as well as the Department of Health’s advice to implement social distancing, we felt it was in the best interests of everyone involved to cancel the event.We’d love to be able to reschedule Skin Summit for later in the year, but with the Covid-19 situation continuing to evolve every day, we’re unable to make any future plans for the event at this stage.Prioritising the health and safety of everyone involved is extremely important to us and as such, we hope you can understand why this difficult decision was made. Tagged: Newer PostOlder Post SEARCH BY BLOG CATEGORY RECENT BLOG POSTS RECENT BLOG POSTS
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