How to factory reset your Fitbit: A step-by-step guide
Fitbit Inspire, Inspire 2, and Inspire HR Fitbit Inspire, Inspire 2, and Inspire HRThe Fitbit Inspire, , and trackers have pretty small screens, but you can still perform a factory reset directly through your device. Here is how to do that: Open the Settings app.
Find and select Clear User Data.
When prompted, hold the screen for three seconds, then release it.
A vibration will indicate that the factory reset has been performed.Fitbit Charge 5 and Fitbit Luxe Fitbit Charge 5 and Fitbit LuxeC. Scott Brown / Android AuthorityFitbit’s two newest fitness trackers might not be from the same family, but they share the same factory reset method. Despite the different specs lists and screen sizes, the process is exactly the same on the and the . Here’s how to factory reset the devices: Swipe down from the home screen/clock display until you find the Settings app. Tap on the icon to open it.
Swipe up until you reach the Device Info menu. Tap to open it.
Once again, swipe up until you reach the Clear User Data. option. Tap on it.
Finally, tap and hold the Hold 3 sec button to initiate the process.
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