How do you secure your E-Scooter? - SG Electric Scooters
1. The Most Secure lock for your e-scooter: The Foldylock 1. The Most Secure lock for your e-scooter: The The is made virtually indestructible and extremely compact. Its folds into a nice bright colored holder which can be mounted on the frame of your e-scooter or your bicycle. Watch this video for the indestructibility tests! The guys who invented the Foldylocks are incidentally inventors of the World’s First Bicycle Seat Lock which they are currently launching on kickstarter. Check them out !2. The Motion Alarm — The Cricket 2. The Motion Alarm — The There are many motion alarms out in the market most of which are bulky and ineffective. But the new Cricket alarm system comes fully integrated with your smartphone by sending you alerts and the location of your vehicle if it has been moved. The size of a bottle cap, the Cricket alarm system can be hidden into the deck of your e-scooter or underneath your bicycle seat without anyone noticing. When moved, an automatic alert will be sent to your smartphone which will free you from being always on a constant lookout for your bike or e-scooter.3. The Key Ignition Lock Most e-scooters and ebikes do not come with a key ignition lock unlike a motorbike. This is now a very nice security option for escooter owners to have this key start feature so that they can leave their scooter for that quick run into the bank or quick mart.
Standalone, this key lock isn’t very useful but if complemented with a secure lock like the Foldylock introduced above, the key lock adds a layer of extra security for your valuable ride. These are just 3 security options for your e-scooter, which taken as a holistic system can provide the ultimate security for your bicycle or e-scooter. Ride safe and park safe!
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